San Diego Police Officer Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges

SDPD Officer Arrested for Domestic Violence

In a significant development earlier this week, a San Diego Police Department (SDPD) officer found himself on the other side of the law following allegations of domestic violence, according to official statements released on Friday. The incident, which has sent ripples through the local law enforcement community, occurred on Monday night when police were called

San Diego Mayor Introduces Bold Plan to Combat Housing Crisis

San Diego Mayor Introduces Bold Plan to Combat Housing Crisis

To tackle the escalating housing crisis in San Diego, Mayor Todd Gloria has unveiled a groundbreaking program aimed at simplifying the construction process for developers keen on building close to public transit systems. This initiative, dubbed “Complete Communities Now,” was showcased at a press event held at a construction site in North Park, where a

Housing Affordability Crisis Hits San Diego: A Deep Dive into the Numbers

Housing Affordability Crisis Hits San Diego

In San Diego, the aspiration of owning a home is becoming increasingly elusive for many residents, underscored by a striking report from Zillow. To secure a mortgage in this scenic yet pricey locale, families now require a staggering annual income of nearly $275,000, a figure that has nearly doubled since before the pandemic era. This

San Diego’s Vehicle Owners on Edge as Wheel Thieves Strike

San Diego's Vehicle Owners on Edge as Wheel Thieves Strike

In recent weeks, a troubling trend has emerged in San Diego County, as numerous drivers awaken to find their vehicles stripped of a particular brand of wheels. The aftermath leaves victims facing significant financial losses and grappling with the fear of becoming repeat targets. Marine Sergeant Hayden Fiori, among the afflicted, is now confronted with

IRS Expands Service Hours: San Diego Tax Help Available on Saturdays

IRS San Diego Tax Assistance

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced extended Saturday hours at eight Taxpayer Assistance Centers throughout California, including one in San Diego, to provide in-person assistance during the peak tax season. These additional hours reflect the IRS’s commitment to improving taxpayer service by accommodating individuals who may find it challenging to seek assistance during regular

A Security Guard’s Mistake: Rodney Dantzler’s Unintentional Journey into Mexico

The Story of Rodney Dantzler's Accidental Border Crossing

Rodney Dantzler’s recent experience serves as a cautionary tale for anyone travelling near the U.S.-Mexico border. What began as a routine day for this La Mesa father quickly turned into a harrowing ordeal that led to his incarceration in a Tijuana prison for nearly a year. Dantzler, an armed security guard, recounts the events that

Chula Vista City Council Faces Tight Deadline to Fill Vacant Seat Amidst Controversy

The absence of indicted former councilmember Andrea Cardenas loomed large during Monday night’s special meeting of the Chula Vista City Council, where councilmembers unanimously declared her seat officially vacant. With the clock ticking, the council now has a tight 45-day window to appoint a temporary replacement for Cardenas, whose tenure has been marred by scandal